Julie Foucher MD, MS is a four-time CrossFit Games athlete and family physician. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between fitness and medicine to empower individuals to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Every third Tuesday, she shares insightful content from a diverse lineup of guests, including medical experts and elite athletes.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Capturing the Human Experience of the CrossFit Games: Christine Bald PH301
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Christine Bald is a freelance writer in the CrossFit space. She is best known for her deeply human behind-the-scenes coverage of the CrossFit Games season via Dave Castro’s Instagram. She is the co-author of Resilient with Brooke Wells, Chasing Excellence with Ben Bergeron and What Is The Way? with Annie Thorisdottir and Katrin Davidsdottir.
You can connect with Christine via Instagram. @christinedca
Related Episodes:
Ep 84 - Chasing Excellence with Ben Bergeron
Ep 131 - Dave Castro on Changes in Life and the CrossFit Games
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Q+A: Celebrating 300 Episodes PH300
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
300 episodes of Pursuing Health—what an incredible journey!
It’s been almost three years since my last Q&A-style episode, so to celebrate this milestone, I'm hosting a special Q&A session with the help of the amazing Nicole Carroll. Thank you to everyone who responded to my call for questions via email; there were so many excellent ones, and I wish I could have answered them all!
I deeply appreciate your support for the podcast. Many of you have followed my path from CrossFit Games athlete to medical student to physician, and I'm truly honored that you tune in week after week. It's been a privilege to listen and learn from an array of remarkable guests—medical experts, elite athletes, and everyday individuals with inspiring transformation stories—and I'm grateful to share these conversations with you.
Cheers to nine years of Pursuing Health, and here's to many more ahead!
You can connect with Julie and Nicole via Instagram @JulieFoucher, @Nicole.Carroll
Related Episodes:
Ep 200 - Q+A: Catching Up with Julie Foucher
Ep 58 - Nicole Carroll on the early days and preserving the culture of CrossFit
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Whole Person Care for Cancer and Healing with Dr. Wayne Jonas PH299
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Wayne Jonas, MD, is a widely published investigator, practicing family physician, and professor of medicine at Georgetown University and at Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. He is also a retired lieutenant colonel in the Medical Corps of the United States Army.
Dr. Jonas was the director of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health from 1995 to 1999 and led the World Health Organization’s Collaborative Center for Traditional Medicine. Prior to that, he served as the director of medical research fellowship at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
He now advises national and international organizations on ways to implement evidence-based healing practices in their medical systems.
He serves as the President of Healing Works Foundation and participates with Primary Care for All Americans. His newest book is Healing and Cancer: A Guide to Whole Person Care, co-authored with Alyssa McManamon, MD, released April 23, 2024 by Rodin Books.
You can connect with Dr. Jonas via Instagram. @drwaynejonas
Related Episodes:
Ep 242 - Exercise to Prevent and Treat Cancer with Dr. Allison Betof
Ep 288 - From the Vault: How Healing Works with Dr. Wayne Jonas
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Lisa Miller, Ph.D., is the New York Times bestselling author of The Spiritual Child and a professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is the Founder and Director of the Spirituality Mind Body Institute, the first Ivy League graduate program and research institute in spirituality and psychology, and has held over a decade of joint appointments in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical School. Her innovative research has been published in more than one hundred peer-reviewed articles in leading journals, including Cerebral Cortex, The American Journal of Psychiatry, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Dr. Miller is Editor of the Oxford University Press Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality, Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of the APA journal Spirituality in Clinical Practice, an elected Fellow of The American Psychological Association (APA) and the two-time President of the APA Society for Psychology and Spirituality. A graduate of Yale University and University of Pennsylvania, where she earned her doctorate under the founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman, she has served as Principal Investigator on multiple grant funded research studies. Dr. Miller speaks and consults around The Awakened Brain and The Spiritual Child for the US Military, businesses (including tech, finance, HR and sales), personal development, faith based organizations, schools and universities, and for mental health and wellness initiatives.
You can connect with Dr. Miller via Instagram. @dr.lisamiller and her website lisamillerphd.com. You can access her book, The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life, via Amazon. Check out her Ted Talk on Depression and Spiritual Awakening via YouTube.
Related Episodes:
Ep 149 - The Science of Spontaneous Health with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger
Ep 267 - Elijah Muhammad: Always Positive Energy
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every week.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday May 14, 2024
From Prison to Pastor: Andrew Carter PH297
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Andrew Carter is the founder and lead pastor of Royal City Church in Los Angeles, CA. He runs a popular live YouTube Bible study called 'Coffee and Prayer' that streams on all major podcast platforms. He appears on television networks, podcasts and stages preaching the good news of Jesus. Andrew travels the world guest speaking at conferences, churches, and events, and recently released his first book, The Privilege of Prayer.
Andrew has become an inspiration for others who face difficult times and struggles. With millions of followers, Andrew has become an influencer for God's Kingdom. He is a leader, speaker, writer, husband and father.
In addition to his social media, you can find Andrew on Kinship, a platform to make connections and share conversations.
You can connect with Andrew via all social media channels. @andrewfcarter
Related Episodes:
Ep 175 - Pursuing Your Passion with Jonny + Libby Diaz
Ep 173 - Small Steps, Big Results: Carrie McCall
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Nutrition and Brain Health with Dr. David Perlmutter: From the Vault PH 296
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Dr. Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist and Fellow of the American College of Nutrition. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine where he was awarded the Leonard G. Rowntree Research Award. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is a frequent lecturer at symposia sponsored by such medical institutions as Columbia University, Scripps Institute, New York University, and Harvard University. He also serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
Dr. Perlmutter is the author of four New York Times bestselling books showing the connection between gut health and brain health, including Grain Brain, Brain Maker, The Grain Brain Cookbook, and his most recent book, The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan. Dr. Perlmutter has also been interviewed on many nationally syndicated television programs including 20/20, Larry King Live, CNN, Fox News, Fox and Friends, The Today Show, Oprah, The Dr. Oz Show, and The CBS Early Show.
He is also the recipient of numerous awards, including: the Linus Pauling Award for his innovative approaches to neurological disorders; the National Nutritional Foods Association Clinician of the Year award; the Humanitarian of the Year award from the American College of Nutrition; the Media Award from the American College of Nutrition; and the Healthy Living Award from The Invisible Disabilities Association.
Related episodes:
Ep 22 - Brigid Titgemeier on Functional Nutrition
Ep 38 - Micronutrients and Quality Supplementation with Oliver Amdrup and Julius Heslet
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Fitness for Peri + Post Menopausal Women PH295
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Stacy T. Sims, MSc, PhD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance for women.
She has directed research programs focusing on female athlete health and performance and pushing the dogma to improve research on all women.
During her tenure at Stanford, she had the opportunity to translate earlier research into consumer products and a science-based layperson's book (ROAR) written to explain sex differences in training and nutrition across the lifespan. Both the consumer products and the book challenged the existing dogma for women in exercise, nutrition, and health. This paradigm shift is the focus of her famous "Women Are Not Small Men” TEDx talk.
Her contributions to the international research environment and the sports nutrition industry has established a new niche in sports nutrition; and established her reputation as the expert in sex differences in training, nutrition, and health.
Stacy currently holds a Senior Research Associate position with SPRINZ- AUT University, supervises PhD students, writes academic papers, and is on the advisory board of some cutting edge companies including Tonal Strength Institute, WILD.AI, and EXOS. She also has her own business (www.drstacysims.com) where she creates and delivers online learning material focused on women training with their physiology across the lifespan.
She currently resides at the beach in Mt. Maunganui, New Zealand with her husband and young daughter.
You can connect with Stacy via Instagram. @drstacysims
Related Episodes:
Ep 155 - Dr. Marguerite Duane on FACTS about Fertility
Ep 176 - Women are Not Small Men with Dr. Stacy Sims
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Building a Champion Mindset with Dr. Joe Janesz: From the Vault PH 294
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Joseph Janesz, PhD, is an Associate Staff and Director of the Outpatient Executive and Professional Program at Cleveland Clinic. He has been a Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, lecturer, author and national Consultant for the past 30 years.
Dr. Janesz completed his undergraduate work at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, and received his PhD degree from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. His training includes couples and group therapy, performance enhancement and sports psychology, executive coaching and management and organizational consulting.
He consults with a wide range of clients in the medical, legal, financial, sports and entertainment fields and has been a Consultant to the National Football League for the past 20 years and a key player in the first NFL Players Assistance Program -- the Cleveland Browns "Inner Circle Program."
Dr. Janesz played an integral role in my own training as I prepared for the CrossFit Games. It was a pleasure to re-connect with him to learn more about his approach for helping individuals become their own personal best self and how high-performers can find balance and excellence through mindfulness.
*Dr. Janesz’s Bio was adapted from clevelandclinic.org
Related episodes:
Ep 274 - Be the Hero of Your Own Story with Donald Miller
Ep 264 - How to Build Mental Resilience with Dr. Lara Pence
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Support for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, IVF, and Autoimmunity PH293
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Dr. Erin Faules (formerly Donaldson) is on a mission to educate and challenge others to take charge of their health. She is board certified in Family Medicine, and practiced rural ER and Hospital Medicine before settling into her true love of Precision Medicine, specializing in Autoimmune Diseases. She now owns her own practice, Doctor Erin Health, where she uses genomics and comprehensive data to co-create a health plan with her patients.
She believes the majority of health is accomplished through daily habits, a philosophy sparked by her own health journey with autoimmune disease. She understands first-hand the overwhelming feeling of navigating our healthcare system, and more importantly the liberation that comes with taking control back of your outcomes through optimizing daily choices. Above all, she believes joy feeds health. When not practicing medicine, you can find her hanging out with her dogs, practicing yoga, adventuring around the world, or laughing with her friends and family.
You can connect with Erin via Instagram, @thedoctorerin and on her website, www.thedoctorerin.com
- Free Webinar: https://erin-faules.mykajabi.com/webinar
- Autoimmune Academy: https://erin-faules.mykajabi.com/academy
Related Episodes:
Ep 246 - Overcoming Celiac Disease and Infertility
Ep 252 - Healing Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Erin Donaldson
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
What to Eat When with Dr. Michael Roizen: From the Vault PH 292
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Michael F. Roizen, MD, is an internist and anesthesiologist who is passionate about helping people choose to live younger and healthier lives.
He is the Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic, the co-founder of RealAge Inc, a five-time number one New York Times best-selling author, and the Chief Medical Consultant on the Dr. Oz Show. An accomplished lecturer, researcher, CEO, television personality and author, Dr. Roizen’s myriad achievements are too numerous to count.
Dr. Roizen continues to practice internal medicine, using the RealAge metric to motivate his patients. He routinely sees patients who are in the midst of struggling with tobacco, heart, diabetic or arthritic problems and coaches them with simple (but persistent) lifestyle changes to be able to live, feel, look and be years younger. He really enjoys getting them to throw away their medications when they no longer need them, and teaches the role of food and other simple steps in reversing disease processes.
I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Roizen during my medical school studies, and I was thrilled to catch up with him at his home to talk about the benefits he’s witnessed since Cleveland Clinic implemented an Employee Health Plan, the most important lifestyle factors we can change to improve our overall health and wellness, and his take on What to Eat When.
You can connect with Dr. Roizen via Instagram. @drmichaelroizen
Related episodes:
Ep 99 – Dr. Axel Pflueger on Fighting Chronic Disease with Fitness
Ep 38 – Micronutrients and Quality Supplementation with Oliver Amdrup and Julius Heslet
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.