Julie Foucher MD, MS is a four-time CrossFit Games athlete and family physician. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between fitness and medicine to empower individuals to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Every third Tuesday, she shares insightful content from a diverse lineup of guests, including medical experts and elite athletes.

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Ultra-endurance Athlete Katie Spotz on Testing Your Limits Katie Spotz PH191
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Katie Spotz is an incredibly impressive ultra-endurance athlete who has undertaken enormous adventures across the globe to help raise funds for clean water and sanitation for underserved communities.
Just a few highlights: at 22, she rowed solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 70 days, becoming the youngest person ever to do so. In 2020, she ran 138-miles nonstop in 33-hours across the state of Maine. She was also the first person to swim the length of the Allegheny river at 325 miles, she’s cycled across the country, and completed 5 ironman triathlons and countless marathons. Her next adventure will take her cycling across the coastline of Maine, 308 miles from the Canadian border to New Hampshire.
Katie’s drive to test her limits, dream big, and break records is remarkable, all the more so because of the motivation behind it. Worldwide, an estimated 2.2 billion people lack access to a safe, clean water source, and roughly 4.2 billion people live without adequate sanitation services, according to the World Health Organization.
By taking on these challenges, Katie helps raise funds for organizations such as Run4Water and Lifewater International who work to transform lives by providing clean water, and at the same time, she reminds us all that we’re all capable of making a difference in the world.
You can connect with Katie via Instagram @katiespotz, Facebook @hellokatiespotz and her website.
Related Episodes:
Ep 94 - Danica Patrick on Trailblazing and Shifting Gears
Ep 101 - Building a Champion Mindset with Dr. Joe Janesz
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Jess Esch on Treating Yourself with Value PH190
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
At a very young age, Jess Esch became aware that her shape and size did not fit in amongst her friends. She struggled with years of shame and insecurity and fell into a pattern of starving herself, followed by large binges. By 16, her weight peaked at 220 lbs, and her doctor began discussing the potential for gastric bypass surgery.
Jess was devastated by the idea, and instead turned to her faith to re-frame her mindset. She began to recognize that her value and worth are not determined by her weight. This was the first step in her healing journey. Over time, Jess’s small, consistent changes have resulted in a huge weight loss, and even more importantly, in the discovery that she truly loves living a healthy lifestyle.
In this episode, she shares how she was able to change her mindset from shame to self-love and the tools she used to develop the discipline to change her nutrition and exercise habits.
You can connect with Jessica via Instagram @joyfilledjess
Related Episodes:
Ep 95 - Optimizing Your Nutrition with EC Synkowski
Ep 173 - Small Steps, Big Results: Carrie McCall
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Chris Kresser on HPA Axis Dysfunction and the Stress Response PH189
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Chris Kresser is a leading clinician and top educator in the fields of Functional Medicine and ancestral health, and the New York Times-bestselling author of The Paleo Cure.
In 2015, Chris founded The Kresser Institute to provide the next generation of functional health practitioners and coaches with the skills and tools they need to turn the tide of chronic disease—and change the future of medicine. Through the Institute, he also created and launched the ADAPT Practitioner and Health Coach Training Programs to train health professionals around the world in his unique approach.
He has appeared regularly in the media, including The Dr. Oz show and Fox & Friends, as well as top-rated health podcasts, such as The Broken Brain, The Doctor’s Farmacy and The Ultimate Health Podcast.
Chris was one of the first people who introduced me to functional medicine, and I was excited to sit down with him to learn more about HPA axis dysfunction, especially as it pertains to high achievers and the CrossFit population. We talked about how stress, both good and bad, can impact the body, strategies to implement for successful behavior change, and how HPA axis dysfunction differs from adrenal fatigue.
*Chris’s bio adapted from his website.
You can connect with Chris via Instagram @chriskresser
Related Episodes:
Ep 135 - Immune System Strength with Dr. Leonard Calabrese
Ep 139 - Stress: The Elephant in the Room with Dr. George Slavich
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Surviving Colon Cancer: Sharon Cabe PH188
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Sharon Cabe was a young, vibrant, active wife and mother of two, so she was shocked when an exploratory colonoscopy resulted in finding a mass so large that her doctor immediately took her into surgery to remove the growth.
She underwent a year of chemotherapy, and all signs of the cancer disappeared. However, it wasn’t too long before a routine follow-up scan revealed a node in her lung. Her colon cancer had become metastatic. In the 8 years that followed, Sharon underwent a multitude of treatments, including having a portion of her lung removed.
Eventually, just a few short weeks after finishing treatment, Sharon decided to try CrossFit. She had read research indicating that high intensity interval training could reduce colon cancer growth, and her son had been urging her to try it for years. She found an affiliate that felt like a good fit for her, and she took the plunge.
Since starting, Sharon has found that the workouts help her manage her anxiety surrounding scans, and the friends she’s made keep her excited about showing up. Her breathing has improved, and her doctors are impressed with the function of her remaining lung tissue.
For the last three years, Sharon has had clean scans. She credits her faith, her positive attitude, and her active lifestyle with helping her remain as healthy as possible.
You can connect with Sharon via Facebook
Related Episodes:
Ep 37 - Steph Hammerman on Overcoming Obstacles, Teaching CrossFit, and Crushing Cancer
Ep 149 - The Science of Spontaneous Health with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
From Overweight to Fittest in the UK: Zack George PH187
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Zack George finished the 2020 Open as the Fittest Man in the UK and 26th worldwide, but hearing this accomplishment, you would never guess how far he’s come.
As a child, a steady diet of sweets and fast food led to him being extremely overweight and self conscious. With the support of his family, he was slowly able to transform from a kid who hated exercise to one of the most athletic teens in his school.
Fueled by the knowledge of how much better he felt living a healthy lifestyle, Zack has made it his mission to inspire others to do the same. In addition to training for the 2021 CrossFit Games, he coaches others at his affiliate, CrossFit BFG, works with remote clients, and has just written a book based on his personal mantra: Start Where Others Stop.
In this episode, we chat about how making small changes can lead to dramatic results, why it’s important to surround yourself with the right community, and why it’s never too late to set big goals and chase them down.
You can connect with Zack via Instagram @zackgeorge and his website.
Related Episodes:
Ep 69 - From Obese to Beast with John Glaude
Ep 102 - Jason Khalipa and the AMRAP Mentality
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Growing Into Her Best Self: Haley Morrone PH186
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
“I have changed so much as a person over these past 5 and a half years, I almost don’t recognize myself. I feel as if I have lived my life as two very different people, but yet I am very much the same person that I have always been.”
In this week’s episode of Pursuing Health, Haley Morrone shares the story of her tumultuous childhood during which she experienced sexual abuse, depression, and drug and alcohol abuse. As she grew up and became a young mother, she found herself facing even more challenges, including smoking, binge eating, obesity, and back pain.
Haley knew she wanted to be healthier, but struggled to overcome the obstacles in her path.
Luckily, Haley’s friends and family didn’t give up on her, and Haley didn’t give up on herself. She decided to educate herself as much as possible so that she could learn how to create long-term healthy habits. She went back to school for Bachelors in Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and then joined a CrossFit affiliate while her husband was on an Army deployment.
Once the health and fitness ball was rolling, Haley became unstoppable. She became a certified 500-hour Yoga teacher, got her CrossFit Level 1, opened an affiliate with her husband, completed her Precision Nutrition Level 1 and more.
In this inspiring conversation, Haley and I talk about how she’s always working to grow to her fullest potential, why surrounding yourself with a good community is so important, and how getting outside her comfort zone has led her down a path of wanting to share her story to help and motivate others.
You can connect with Haley via Instagram @haley_racine.
Related Episodes:
Ep 165 - Thriving on the Unexpected: Cory Schmidgall
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
CrossFit After COVID: Darryl Chajon PH185
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
47-year old Darryl Chajon didn’t start CrossFit until later in life, but once he did, he was hooked. After several years of regular training, he even set his sights on becoming a competitor. He started ramping up the volume and intensity of his sessions, dialed in his nutrition, and worked hard to get in better shape than ever.
Then, in March of 2020, just as he was preparing for a competition, he came down with extreme fatigue, a cough, and a fever: classic symptoms of COVID-19. His symptoms progressed from mild to life-threatening. He was admitted to the hospital and spent six days alone in the ICU on a ventilator and underwent dialysis when his kidneys began to fail. When he was discharged, taking even just a short walk would leave him exhausted.
Despite experiencing such severe symptoms, Darryl was able to get back to his regular training within 3 months of leaving the hospital and now, nearly a year after he first became ill, he’s fitter than ever. He credits his fitness level prior to becoming sick with saving his life and expediting his recovery, living proof of the CrossFit Sickness-Wellness-Fitness continuum.
You can connect with Darryl via Instagram @darrylchajon
Related Episodes:
Ep 164 - Boosting Immunity and Reducing COVID Risk with Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Ep 135 - Immune System Strength with Dr. Leonard Calabrese
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Dr. David Johnson is a brain and spinal neurosurgeon who has had a pioneering role in the establishment of multidisciplinary spinal practices and holistic care for neurosurgical patients in Brisbane, Australia. He is also the co-owner of CrossFit Neuro, the first clinical CrossFit affiliate.
By combining his passion for CrossFit, Olympic weightlifting, neurosurgery, and science, Dr. Johnson works to deliver the fundamental message that learning to move proficiently is key to preventing movement dysfunction which can lead to chronic back pain symptoms.
Many of Dr. Johnson’s patients go on to become members of his affiliate as a part of their recovery process to rehabilitate and to avoid future spine surgery.
I first had the opportunity to hear about Dr. Johnson’s work when he presented at the 2018 CrossFit Health Conference, and I was excited to catch up with him to learn how his practice has changed and evolved over the years. In this episode, we talk about the importance of addressing the root cause of pain rather than just treating the symptoms, and why sleep, nutrition, and stress management also plays an important part in managing and preventing back pain.
You can connect with Dr. Johnson via Instagram @crossfitneuro
Related Episodes:
Ep 104 - Physical Therapist and CrossFit Games Athlete Amanda Barnhart
Ep 132 - Healing Through Functional Movement with Dr. Amy West
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Pursuing Wild Health: Robb Wolf on The Case for (Better) Meat PH183
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Robb Wolf is a former research biochemist and 2X New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat. He and co-author Diana Rodgers recently released their book, Sacred Cow, which explains why well-raised meat is good for us and good for the planet.
Robb is a longtime CrossFit enthusiast, and he is the co-founder of the 1st and 4th CrossFit affiliates in the world.
Robb has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world via his podcast, books and seminars. He’s known for his direct approach and ability to distill and synthesize information to make the complicated topics easier to understand.
In this episode, Robb joins myself and Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Mike Mallin of Wild Health to discuss a broad range of topics, including the online censorship of health communities, why beef can have a place in a healthy diet, and the importance of regenerative agriculture for the health of our planet.
*Robb’s bio adapted from his website
You can connect with Rob at sacredcow.info and join.thehealthyrebellion.com
Related Episodes:
Ep 93 - Debunking Nutrition Myths with Gary Taubes
Ep 123 - Zoë Harcombe on Dissecting Nutrition Research and Dietary Guidelines
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Reversing Prediabetes with Dr. Robert Oh PH182
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Seemingly healthy and in his late thirties, Robert Oh was shocked when routine blood work showed that he was prediabetic.
He was at a healthy weight, did CrossFit 3-4 times per week, ate mostly healthy foods, and worked as a military family physician. He had no family history and no risk factors, and he had no intentions of starting the metformin recommended by his colleagues.
The more he researched, the more Dr. Oh began to believe that a statin medication he had been taking for 10 years contributed to his insulin resistance.
Instead of adding another pill to his daily routine, Dr. Oh decided to drop the statin and experiment with his nutrition. He ultimately adopted a Paleo/low carb diet and saw dramatic improvements in the way he felt, his waist circumference, and his blood markers.
Not only did this approach help Dr. Oh reverse his prediabetes, the changes inspired him to pursue a fellowship in Sports Medicine so that he could help others like himself- in the military and unknowingly having insulin resistance- heal through lifestyle medicine as well.
You can connect with Rob via Twitter @RobertOhMD
Related Episodes:
Ep 16 - Pete Katz and Dr. Isaacson on Using CrossFit and Paleo to Overcome Chronic Disease
Ep 93 - Debunking Nutrition Myths with Gary Taubes
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns