Julie Foucher MD, MS is a four-time CrossFit Games athlete and family physician. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between fitness and medicine to empower individuals to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Every third Tuesday, she shares insightful content from a diverse lineup of guests, including medical experts and elite athletes.

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training for Brain Optimization PH171
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
“When we think about exercise in general as sort of a hermetic stressor, it just makes sense to think about, if you’re going to do it at a higher intensity and have these repeated hormetic stressors, you’re going to get an overall greater response. It’s a lot of the same mechanisms that we see for exercise causing a lot of great brain health and cognitive benefits, but we’re just seeing it to a greater degree.”
- Julie Foucher-Urcuyo, MD
In this special edition of Pursuing Health Pearls, I'm joining Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Mike Mallin at the Wild Health Brain Optimization Summit for an interview-style discussion focused on how high intensity interval training (HIIT) can optimize brain health.
The Brain Optimization Summit featured doctors, scientists, biohackers, and nootropics professionals discussing lifestyle habits and methods to improve mental performance, memory formation, concentration, and professional creativity.
This was a really fun conference, and they’re planning to hold another similar conference on athletic optimization which I plan to participate in, so stay tuned. I’m also excited to share more with you about Matt and Mike when I interview them in next week's episode so stay tuned for that as well!
In this episode we discuss:
- The definition of high intensity interval training (HIIT)
- How HIIT relates to brain health and why it's advocated to improve brain health
- How HIIT can reduce risk of stroke and improve stroke recovery rates
- The amount of HIIT required to receive health benefits
- The mechanism behind getting brain health benefits from HIIT
- High intensity exercise versus moderate intensity exercise
- The impact of HIIT on dementia, depression, Parkinson's, and ADHD
- How to minimize the risks of HIIT
- How to safely introduce it to a sedentary individual
- How much HIIT is too much?
- The target heart rate for a sedentary ramp up
- How to cycle HIIT into your weekly routine
- Quick workout recommendations
- Supplements to help with joint health
- Thoughts on fasted HIIT
- A Burpee Challenge! 5 rounds of:1 minute of burpees, 1 minute of rest
You can follow Wild Health on their website, podcast, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
- The feasibility of an acute high-intensity exercise bout to promote locomotor learning after stroke
- Multimodal Therapy Involving High-Intensity Interval Training Improves the Physical Fitness, Motor Skills, Social Behavior, and Quality of Life of Boys With ADHD: A Randomized Controlled Study
Related episodes:
Ep 78 - Lifestyle and Brain Health with Dr. David Perlmutter
Ep 159 - Pursuing Health Pearls: Exercise and Why It's So Good For Us
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on November 23, 2020.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Brooke Wells on What it Takes to be a Top CrossFit Athlete PH170
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Six-time CrossFit Games athlete Brooke Wells was just 19 when she qualified for her first CrossFit Games in 2015, and she's competed at every CrossFit Games since, always placing inside the top 20. This year, at the 2020 CrossFit Games, Brooke earned her best finish yet, placing 5th amongst an elite field of competitors.
When Brooke started CrossFit, she had a natural gift for strength and lifting heavy weights. Combine that with a background in track and gymnastics, plus several years of hard work to improve on her weaknesses, and Brooke has become an incredibly well-rounded athlete who is a consistent podium threat. In Stage 1 of the 2020 CrossFit Games, she finished in the top 10 on every event, proving there are very few holes in her game.
Looking ahead to the 2021 season, she's excited to start improving upon her strength numbers again and to inch her way up the leaderboard even further.
She's also excited to be surrounding herself with a training community to help her achieve that goal. Brooke recently relocated from Tulsa to Nashville and has teamed up with several other high level athletes including Will Morad, Alec Smith and Streat Horner to form an environment where she can be challenged to give her best with each session.
In Brooke's second appearance on the podcast, we caught up just a week after Stage 2 of the 2020 CrossFit Games to talk about her experience at the 2020 Games, her plans for the 2021 season, and the legacy she hopes to leave on CrossFit.
In this episode we discuss:
- Areas where Brooke feels she has grown the most over the past 6 years
- Her 2020 training season
- How Brooke decided to move to Nashville
- Brooke’s approach to preparing for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the 2020 CrossFit Games
- Her typical daily routine
- Brooke's experience at Stage 2 of the CrossFit Games
- Her impressions on the changes in leadership within CrossFit HQ
- How Brooke is preparing for the 2021 training season
- How she plans to spend her downtime during the off-season
- The legacy Brooke hopes to leave on CrossFit
- Three things Brooke does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on her health
- One thing she thinks could have a big impact on her health, but she has a hard time implementing
- What a healthy life looks like to Brooke
You can follow Brooke on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
- Brooke Wells is Ready to Make History
- Brooke Wells - 2020 CrossFit Games Preview
- CrossFit Trivium
- New Morning Mercies
Related episodes:
Ep 47 -Coffee Talk with Katrin, Jen, and Kelley at the Reebok Athlete Summit
Ep 64 -Haley Adams: A CrossFit Games Teen with Talent
Ep 74 - Brooke Wells & Jessica Griffith on Forging Friendships & Striking a Balance
Ep 166 - Three-time Fittest American Woman Kari Pearce on Preparing for the 2020 CrossFit Games
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Taking Control of Multiple Sclerosis with Jasmine Joy PH169
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
“You have something like a major surgery, whether you have MS specifically or whether you have any other type of autoimmune disease or anything like that, but those don’t have to be death sentences. Even though that’s what they feel like when you first get diagnosed, and if the relapses are hitting harder and harder, or if the symptoms are getting worse. It’s easy to think it’s just going downhill. The biggest thing that CrossFit has done for me is to remind me or show me that I can take control of my health. I can take control of what my body does, I can take control of what I put into my body, and all of those things are going to benefit me.”
- Jasmine Joy
To look at Jasmine Joy, you would never know there are lesions on her brain and spinal cord, or guess that rods and screws are holding her spine in place. To the casual observer, 26-year old Jasmine is healthy, happy, and moving freely with full intensity in the gym.
Yet, it is actually because of those three things that Jasmine is capable to live her life with little fear of what is to come. The choice of health, happiness, and movement are life-changing ones.
When she was age 20, Jasmine was preparing for a spinal fusion to treat severe scoliosis. The surgery would help adjust and hold her spine by using two metal rods and at least a dozen screws and would be followed by a daunting recovery process. Jasmine would have to relearn how to stand, walk, move, and function on her own before returning to college.
During the preparation process, the doctors asked a series of routine of questions including, "Do you ever feel numbness, tingling, or pins and needles?" Jasmine told the doctor yes, thinking "who doesn't?" However, the degree, frequency, and locations of pins and needles she was experiencing was not normal and thus, further testing began.
An MRI revealed that Jasmine had lesions on her spinal cord and brain. During what was supposed to be the most fun and social time of her life, Jasmine learned that she likely had Multiple Sclerosis, and she was still preparing for a terrifying spinal fusion to boot.
Jasmine’s fusion was a success, and after an arduous and painful recovery she returned to school, but her health challenges weren’t over. Follow up testing revealed that at just 20 years old, she had Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Over the next several years her doctors worked to find the right medications to help her as she struggled with pain, allergic reactions and extreme side-effects like depression.
Jasmine also started to make some changes on her own. Driven by having own basic mobility taken from her after her spinal fusion, she was no longer taking movement for granted. She began running, paying attention to her nutrition, and frequenting the gym. Says Jasmine, “I not only realized what a gift movement was by having it taken away, but I also had this looming dread that one day my ability to move might still be taken away, and maybe for good. If there was any chance of that, I wanted to do everything I could now.”
After trying all sorts of fitness, Jasmine ultimately joined a CrossFit affiliate and fell in love with it during her first class. She recognized that in the years to come she might lose some of her abilities, and she knew that when that time came, she would be able to continue by adapting her workouts or finding someone to help her, regardless of how her MS might eventually look.
Now 26, Jasmine has been symptom-free since starting CrossFit, and her MS specialist encourages her to continue with high intensity exercise. CrossFit helps Jasmine forget she even has a terrifying disease with no cure and her doctor assures her that her beliefs as to how she is no longer experiencing symptoms is neither cheesy nor crazy- it’s possible and likely.
The impact CrossFit has had on Jasmine’s life is remarkable. She says, “I know that because of CrossFit, I took control over who I was, who I wanted to be, and the role my conditions would play in my life. I no longer focus on what my body looks like, rather on what it can do. I celebrate new movements and strength, not pounds loss. I look at ingredient lists, and I keep track of macro-nutrients I am taking in, not which food to "cheat" with. I have a massive second FAMILY of people I get to talk to authentically, get to know on good days and bad, workout next to, coach, celebrate with, and just live this life everyday seeing…. I am fully aware that to most everyone, CrossFitters sound like they are this insane cult of people who only talk about CrossFit. However, when you find a community, methodology, and sport that does for you and for countless others what it has for me? How can you not be obsessed with it in some way? CrossFit shapes your life.”
When Jasmine first shared her story with me, I was incredibly inspired by her courage and her desire to focus on the variables within her control as she manages her MS diagnosis. In this episode, we chat about the evolution of her journey, how CrossFit and her CrossFit community have played a huge role in managing her symptoms, and how she keeps a positive mindset in the face of such an unpredictable disease.
In this episode we discuss:
- Jasmine’s childhood diagnosis of scoliosis
- How her daily life was impacted by the condition
- Preparing for major back surgery and how that led to a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
- What her recovery process looked like
- Using nutrition to help manage her MS symptoms
- Jasmine’s early treatment plan, which was primarily focused on medication
- How she got started with CrossFit and the evolution of her training
- How the adaptability and scalability of CrossFit appeals to Jasmine as she approaches her MS long-term
- How the rods in her back impact her movement in the gym
- How CrossFit and her community have impacted her life
- The importance of recognizing that a diagnosis does not have to be a death sentence
- Three things Jasmine does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on her health
- One thing she struggles to implement that could have a big impact on her health
- What a healthy life looks like to Jasmine
You can connect with Jasmine via or Instagram or email, jasmine@crossfitfargo.com.
Related episodes:
Ep 148 - Fighting Back Against Fibromyalgia: Olivia Vollmar
Ep 78 - Lifestyle and Brain Health with Dr. David Perlmutter
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on November 9, 2020.

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng on Avoiding the ICU and Racism in Medicine PH 168
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
As you learn more, and more, and more about disease, prevention is the key. Why get sick in the first place? Don’t get sick! Why are we going to wait until you’re end-stage or sick as a dog before we try and provide you with help? No. Let’s be smarter with our minds, resources and approaches. It just doesn’t make sense when you think about it, really. A lot of times we’re just putting Band-Aids on [things]. Let’s get to the root cause and, really, stop you from entering the door.”
- Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng
Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng is a palliative care & intensive care doctor based in Ottawa, Canada. As a physician treating critically ill patients, he brings an enthusiasm and passion to the idea of keeping patients out of the hospital in the first place by using lifestyle to prevent disease.
On his podcast, Solving Healthcare, Dr. Kyeremanteng features interviews and discussions on the topic of improving healthcare delivery. He is also the founder of the Resource Optimization Network, a multidisciplinary research group working to reduce health spending, make the ICU more efficient, and improve access to palliative care services.
Dr. Kyeremanteng was one of only two Black students in his medical school class, and as one of the few Black doctors practicing in his hospital today, he is keenly aware of the demographic imbalance in medicine and the resulting challenges Black individuals must overcome to have the same opportunities as their peers. He’s recently launched a healthcare mentorship program to help Black students bridge this gap.
Dr. Kyermanteng’s role in the ICU has put him at the forefront of caring for acutely ill COVID-19 patients, and his experience as a palliative doctor gives him a unique perspective on the challenges facing these patients and their families.
I was excited to hear from Dr. Kyeremanteng on all of these hot topics, and more. We covered a lot of ground in the conversation, from how intensive care medicine and palliative care medicine go hand-in-hand, to the lessons he’s learned from spending time with patients near the end of their lives, to what actions we can start taking now to be anti-racist.
*Photo courtesy of Michelle Dickie
In this episode we discuss:
- His background and how he came to practice medicine
- Why he chose to specialize in both intensive care and palliative medicine
- The overlay between palliative medicine and ICU care
- The difference between ICU care, palliative care, and hospice care
- Lessons Dr. Kyeremanteng has learned from spending time with patients at the end of their lives
- How he developed his passion for disease prevention
- Observations Dr. Kyeremantang has had caring for acute patients during COVID
- Patterns he’s noticed in patients who thrive after leaving the ICU
- Ways Dr. Kyeremanteng helps patients nurture a positive mindset
- His experiences with racism both as a child and in medicine
- Dr. Kyeremanteng’s youth mentorship program
- Lessons he hopes to instill in his three sons
- The advice he would give to people to live their life to their fullest
- Dr. Kyeremanteng’s advice to people concerned about COVID-19
- Actions he would love to see his white colleagues take to fight racism
- Three things Dr. Kyeremanteng does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on his health
- One thing he struggles to implement that could have a big impact on his health
- What a healthy life looks like to Dr. Kyeremanteng
You can follow Dr. Kyeremanteng on his website, Solving Healthcare, his podcast, and on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Palliative care: Earlier is better
- Systemic Racism, How to Create Change and More with Dr. Chika Oriuwa
- Easy Strength with Dan John
- The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferriss
- The 80/20 Principle, Richard Koch
Related episodes:
Ep 147 – Cancer, Racism, and Speaking Up with Deb Cordner Carson
Ep 149 – The Science of Spontaneous Healing with Dr. Jeffrey Rediger
Ep 164 – Boosting Immunity and Reducing COVID Risk with Dr. Aseem Malhotra
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on November 3, 2020.

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
“I think that’s part of why I love competing, is being side-by-side with people, having the spectators cheer you on and scream you on, and just being in the environment- it’s just so much energy. You push yourself and you don’t think as much about the pain as when you’re doing a workout by yourself. But I’m thankful that there was… because CrossFit ended up sending judges, it was nice that we had a judge, and the gym that we were at had some of their members come and spectate, and my coach- it was really cool also having my coach right there next to me, which is different than any other sort of competition. So, it kind of felt like a competition but also didn’t. Like I said, just because of those factors, but I did my best to keep it the same as a competition setting because, I bet similar to you being an athlete and growing up in gymnastics, just that competition mentality- nothing is like it, and you just bring yourself a little bit higher up than in training.” - Kari Pearce
In just 6 years, Kari Pearce has built one of the most impressive resumes in the sport of CrossFit. A 6-time CrossFit Games competitor, she has been a consistent performer, never finishing outside the top 10 since her rookie season in 2015. She has also earned the title of fittest American female three times and has represented Team USA at the CrossFit Invitational in 2016 in Canada and in 2017 in Australia.
Kari is among the top 5 Fittest Women on Earth who are about to take on Stage 2 of the 2020 CrossFit Games.
Kari has a background in gymnastics and competed for the University of Michigan where where her team won 4 Big Ten Championships. There she also earned her degree in Movement Science from the School of Kinesiology and was three time Academic All Big Ten.
In addition to being a full time athlete, Kari has used her experience with gymnastics, CrossFit, and coaching to develop PowerAbs, which is a core program done by thousands of people around the world.
In this episode we caught up just a couple weeks before Stage 2 of the 2020 CrossFit Games to talk about some of our shared experiences growing up doing gymnastics in Michigan, her collegiate gymnastics career, how she found CrossFit, some defining moments in her Games career thus far, and how she has approached all the twists and turns of this unprecedented season.
In this episode we discuss:
- Kari’s background doing gymnastics in Michigan
- Why she decided to pursue collegiate gymnastics instead of Olympic gymnastics
- Her insights into how the culture of gymnastics can improve to protect young athletes
- Lessons in nutrition and recovery that, in hindsight, Kari thinks would have benefitted her as a young gymnast
- How Kari got into CrossFit
- High points and struggles within her career so far
- Kari’s approach to dealing with injuries and finding the right mindset to allow them to heal
- Her experience and approach to the 2020 training season
- Making the move to Las Vegas
- Her reflections on Stage 1 of the 2020 CrossFit Games
- Her approach to training as she prepares for Stage 2
- Why Kari feels her coaches and training environment are important to her success as an athlete
- Her daily routine
- The Power Abs program
- Three things Kari does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on her health
- One thing she thinks could have a big impact on her health, but she has a hard time implementing
- What a healthy life looks like to Kari
You can follow Kari on her website, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.
Related episodes:
Ep 36a & 36b - Dominique Moceanu on Gymnastics, Healing and Health
Ep 130 - Kristi O'Connell on Training for Joy and Balance
Ep 145 - 2019 Third Fittest Woman Jamie (Greene) Simmonds
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on October 17, 2020.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Thriving on the Unexpected: Cory Schmidgall PH165
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
“I have learned how to adapt to the unknown and unknowable. I have learned to focus on what I CAN do. This led me to my main mantra to date which is, “What’s the next step?” which is what I focus on in any type of adversity or workout.” - Cory Schmidgall
Cory Schmidgall tried just about every fitness program out there. Nothing seemed to light the fire he remembered from his football days, or satisfied the competitive drive that motivated him to try out for the NFL.
It was while he was recovering from a major surgery, an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion of his spine, that he read about CrossFit. “I tried a few of the WODs at my local rec center. While everyone was looking at me as if I were crazy, I tried Elizabeth. 21 minutes later I was hooked.”
A few years passed, and Cory found that he was struggling with hip mobility and recovery due to inflammation, despite putting extra work in to improve in those areas. A consult with his orthopedist confirmed that he had a genetic degenerative hip disease. At only 37, he suddenly felt twice his age, and began to spiral into a blackhole of self-pity. But his CrossFit community wouldn’t let him. “One day, when I was kicking rocks at our box, one of the other members simply said, ‘Dude, why don’t you just focus on what you CAN do.’ Simple but effective.” From that day forward, Cory took on a new mindset. He began to look at CrossFit as prehab to train for surgery.
In the span of 10 weeks, Cory had surgery on both hips. The pain was brutal. But he remembered his friend’s words of encouragement. “I started slow and again focused on what I could do daily. I started over with all movements focusing on form and rehab. I used CrossFit methodology for rehab, on top of the hip movement rehab, and the CrossFit nutrition protocol to stay on top of inflammation and heal my gut from years of pain meds. I felt I was getting in the best shape of my life prior to surgery but even more so in the months that followed.”
Life wasn’t done dealing to surprises to Cory. A year and a half after his hip surgeries, he was diagnosed with skin cancer, and went back under the knife to have it removed, adding a new scar to his thigh. Just a year later, this was followed by a second cervical discectomy and fusion, adding another level to his previous procedure.
Just as he had before, Cory prepared for these new challenges by keeping his eyes on the horizon, using CrossFit, and by getting his nutrition on point.
Says Cory, “5 years in now, I have learned how to adapt to the unknown and unknowable. I have learned to focus on what I CAN do. This led me to my main mantra to date which is, “What’s the next step?” which is what I focus on in any type of adversity or workout.”
When I first read Cory's story, I was impressed not only by the remarkable mindset he's used to approach so many challenging surgeries, but also by how he's worked hard to develop skills to manage his own panic attacks and anxiety. I was excited to catch up with him to learn more about how identifying his why has been so critical to growing through these obstacles, and how he's using his experiences to help others.
In this episode we discuss:
- How sports and injuries played a role in Cory’s life growing up
- Pursuing his goal of playing in the NFL
- Struggling to find his identity as he retired from sports
- The relief of finding an explanation for neurological symptoms he had been experiencing
- Cory’s first CrossFit workout
- The turning point for Cory’s mindset in approaching his injuries
- How Cory is using his experiences to help others
- What’s allowed him to grow through these obstacles
- Strategies that have been helpful for Cory to manage his anxiety
- Cory’s morning routine
- Three things Cory does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on his health
- One thing he knows would have a positive impact on his health, but he struggles to implement
- What a healthy life looks like to Cory
You can follow Cory on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, or you can listen to his podcast, Anxiety WOD.
- Dr. Angie Cross, D.C.
- Welcome to the Jungle, Jim Rome
- Live Your Dreams, Les Brown
- As Many Reps as Possible, Jason Khalipa
- Box breathing
- Wim Hof breathing
- Motiversity
- Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker
Related episodes:
Ep 102 - Jason Khalipa and the AMRAP Mentality
Ep 108 - Training Smarter, Not Harder: Prevention and Recovery from Injury with Pure Physio
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on October 10, 2020.

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Boosting Immunity and Reducing COVID Risk with Dr. Aseem Malhotra PH164
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
“I think a lot of doctors kind of know this but don’t really… it’s never really been at the forefront of their minds until now. We know, for example, that people who have high blood glucose or type 2 diabetes have worse outcomes from any infection - specifically respiratory infections. So, when I started looking at the literature and also looking at how immune health links to excess body fat, obesity, and type 2 diabetes pre-COVID, the data was very clear that this was a big risk factor for a dysregulated immune system, an immune system that isn’t going to function properly. So, it wasn’t just about the associations that we were drawing from COVID-19 and worse outcomes.”
- Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a cardiologist with the U.K.’s National Health Service and a world renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease.
He is a visiting Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health in Salvador, Brazil, an honorary council member to the Metabolic Psychiatry Clinic at Stanford University School of Medicine California, and is Cardiology MSc examiner at the University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
Dr. Malhotra is a longtime health activist and a founding member and lead campaigner of Action on Sugar, an initiative which highlights the the harm caused by excess sugar consumption.
Most recently, he has been a vocal advocate for improving metabolic health to reduce vulnerability to disease, including COVID-19, and has authored the book The 21-Day Immunity Plan: How to Rapidly Improve Your Metabolic Health and Resilience to Fight Infection.
Dr. Aseem and I recently sat down to chat about the link between metabolic health and immune function, ways we can improve our own immunity, and why turning the tide in the fight against poor metabolic health will take more than just personal responsibility.
*Dr. Malhotra’s bio was adapted from his website.
In this episode we discuss:
- Dr. Malhotra’s background in cardiology and how he became involved in health activism
- Why personal responsibility is only a very small factor in the epidemic of chronic disease
- How obesity and metabolic health have affected the COVID pandemic
- The markers of metabolic health
- The link between immunity and metabolic health
- Lifestyle factors that optimize the response to vaccines
- A broad overview of things we can do to improve our immunity
- 10 key points for policy makers to address metabolic syndrome on a grand scale
- Three things Dr. Malhotra does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on his health
- One thing he struggles to implement that could have a big impact on his health
- What a healthy life looks like to Dr. Malhotra
You can follow Dr. Malhotra on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Interview With Dr. Robert Lustig and Dr. Aseem Malhotra
- Aseem Malhotra: Lessons in Public Health Advocacy
- Works by Gary Taubes
- Lifestyle Tips to Hedge Against Respiratory Illness, Sunday Express
- Covid 19 and the elephant in the room, European Scientist
- The 21-day plan to support your immune system and help fight off infections, The Telegraph
- Does Obesity Increase COVID-19 Risk, Good Morning Britain
Related episodes:
Ep 144 - Pursuing Health Pearls: What COVID-19 is Teaching Us About Our Health
Ep 146 - Pursuing Health Pearls: Understanding and Assessing Metabolic Health
Ep 135 - Immune System Strength with Dr. Leonard Calabrese
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on October 2, 2020.

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Simple, Sustainable Nutrition with EC Synkowski PH162
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
“There's no diet plan, there's no 30 day challenge that's going to stick with you forever. You, ultimately at some point, are in the driver's seat.”
- EC Synkowski
EC Synkowski is the founder of OptimizeMe Nutrition, a company dedicated to helping anyone improve their health and well being with simple, non-restrictive diet methods.
EC started CrossFit in 2006 and over time her enthusiasm and hard work led to seminar staff and flowmaster positions for the Level 1 and CrossFit Weightlifting courses, a CF-L4 certification, and a career as a Program Manager with CrossFit, Inc. In 2017, EC stepped down from her position at CrossFit to focus on finishing her second master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine.
From there, she founded OptimizeMe Nutrition, where she focuses on helping individuals understand nutrition physiology and it’s day-to-day application.
She is the creator of the #800gChallenge, a straightforward eating plan that encourages participants to maximize their fruit and vegetable intake and encourages the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, and it’s slightly more advanced partner, Lazy Macros.
I was excited to catch up with EC for her second appearance on the podcast. We talked about the 10 Principles of Nutrition, the importance of making sustainable changes to our diet, and the nutrition takeaways she’s gleaned from the COVID-19 pandemic.
This conversation left me feeling inspired, and Dani and I have decided to run a four week challenge using EC's Lazy Macros approach starting on September 28, 2020 for all of our Pursuing Health subscribers!
Our focus will be on eating 800 grams of fruits and vegetables and meeting protein goals each day, with a leaderboard to track people who demonstrate the most consistency with the 800g, protein, workouts, and sleep.
This challenge will be open to all subscribers at no additional fee. We're hosting a live Q+A for our subscribers on the evening of September 24th to answer all your questions and then we'll get started together on the 28th, so if you're not a Pursuing Health subscriber yet, today would be a great time to join!
In this episode we discuss:
- EC’s 10 Principles of Nutrition
- Her thoughts on fasting
- Why the #800gChallenge has such a positive ripple effect on our nutrition
- Her thoughts on the carnivore diet
- The Lazy Macro approach
- The impacts of under and overeating protein
- Why she started The Consistency Project, and why she keeps tracking so simple
- EC’s new podcast, The Consistency Project
- The nutrition takeaways that have been reinforced by the COVID pandemic
You can follow EC on Instagram and Facebook, or on The Consistency Project podcast.
Related episodes:
Ep 95 - Optimizing Your Nutrition with EC Synkowski
Ep 112 - Eating for Longevity with Dr. Valter Longo
Ep 150 - Pursuing Health Pearls: Our Approach to Nutrition
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on September 19, 2020.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
An Unlikely Antidote to Anorexia with Becky Fox PH161
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
“My journey to finding myself and my will to live began with finding CrossFit.”
- Becky Fox
The stress of everything was just too much. If she could just lose weight, Becky believed, she would be okay. She drastically cut her calories, restricted food intake and began exercising incessantly. A sophomore in high school, she succeeded only in losing athletic opportunities, a sudden drop in academic performance, and seclusion in her social life.
As her eating disorder consumed her, Becky would constantly think about how many calories she had eaten and how many hours she would need to spend in the gym to work them off. Friends and family became alarmed by her obsession with food and her sudden outbursts, and Becky sought help from a therapist, but it wasn’t enough.
Becky’s health continued to decline, and her bloodwork showed it. Her heart was not able to keep up with her physical state. Doctors stripped exercise from her, forbidding even recreational walks. Soon, depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm replaced the physical activity Becky had once loved.
Becky’s sister had been by her side throughout her ordeal, and she knew just how important athletics were to Becky. Her sister had heard there was a CrossFit affiliate in their hometown, and hoped it might be a place Becky could go to work out safely and rebuild her self-esteem. “It sounded crazy at the time, putting an anorexic girl who had an addiction to exercise into a gym setting again. Little did I know that a box is very different than the typical gym.”
Becky came to an agreement with her family that if she met her calorie intake goal for the day, she would be permitted to attend a class. “I was hesitant. It was higher calories than I had in about a year, but I wanted fitness back in my life.”
Her first class was terrifying. Becky had developed extreme social anxiety and felt uncomfortable anytime she was away from home. But soon, she found she had a new home. “I could be myself and not worry about what anyone thought. The coaches were patient, everyone was kind, and no one treated me differently even though they could see every vein in my body. It gave me a reason to be OK eating again, fueling my body so I could work out later.”
As time passed, Becky developed close friendships with other members at her box, conquered her fear of food, and returned to a healthy weight. But her battle with eating disorders wasn’t over yet.
“I was always told in recovery that another eating disorder could hit me at any time and it would be something I would have to fight my whole life. Being as stubborn and strong-willed as I am, I never thought that would be me.”
2 years after she started CrossFit, Becky found the pendulum swinging the other way, this time towards binge eating. During the worst of her anorexia, Becky would have a small snack in the middle of the night to help calm her hunger pains and allow sleep. Although her body had returned to a healthy weight, her brain still turned to this old habit as a stress and anxiety reliever.
Becky’s midnight snacks grew to out-of-control binges, sometimes exceeding 2,000 calories a night. She feared her weight gain would be noticeable so she started restricting during the day, which only fed the cycle. Her depression returned with a vengeance, she lacked the motivation to work out, and found it embarrassing to be around her friends from her box.
Once again, Becky’s sister was at her side to help. They moved in together so that her sister could help her control the nighttime binges, even locking food up when it became necessary to break the habit. It was a long road back to a healthy weight as Becky sought to move at a slow pace that would be sustainable for the long term and not mirror her old anorexic ways. Once again, her commitment to fitness and her community helped her overcome her demons.
These days, Becky remains very active with her box, and even married one of the owners! She recently graduated and is helping others as a school counselor. She is a firm advocate for the physical, mental, and social benefits of CrossFit.
“I have had to learn so much about balance through this process and just how important it is in our lives. I have also learned a lot about how important finding self-worth is and not tying it to my body. My body, my weight, my looks do not determine how good of a friend I am or how academically smart I am or how good of an athlete I am. My body is not just to be seen but to be used. CrossFit gave me new goals, and PR's helped me to see my progress and make the journey to recovery worth it. I was getting better, getting stronger, and finding myself, my confidence, and my worth. I cannot thank CrossFit enough because it literally saved my life.”
I first heard Becky's story some time ago, and I think it will resonate with so many women (and men!) who find a new respect and admiration for their bodies when they focus on what it can do, rather than what it looks like. I was excited to have a chance to catch up with her to learn more about how CrossFit helped her overcome her eating disorders, how we can support others who are struggling, and how she's using her experiences to help others in her new role as a counselor.
In this episode we discuss:
- The factors that played into Becky developing an eating disorder
- How she realized her relationship with food was unhealthy
- Becky’s advice on the best ways to approach a family or friend with an eating disorder
- How she was able to safely reintroduce exercise into her routine
- The importance of trying multiple nutritionists and counselors to find the right fit for you
- How Becky’s calorie restriction turned into binge eating at night
- Why community support was so important for helping Becky to heal from her eating disorder
- Using intuitive eating to establish a healthy relationship with food
- Using self care to overcome the self-hatred she experienced with her disorder
- What Becky’s life looks like today
- How her own experiences help her as a school counselor and a CrossFit coach
- Characteristics of CrossFit that led Becky to feel like CrossFit saved her life
- How Becky found the right balance for working out at an appropriate volume
- Three things Becky does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on her health
- One thing she knows would have a positive impact on her health, but she struggles to implement
- What a healthy life looks like to Becky
You can follow Becky on Instagram, and you can follow her affiliate, SouthWind CrossFit on Instagram and Facebook.
Related episodes:
Ep 85 - Back on Track with Carleen Mathews
Ep 71 - The Sugar Free Revolution with Karen Thomson
Ep 30 - Nadia Johnston on How CrossFit Helped Her to Overcome Eating Disorders and Depression
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on September 14, 2020.

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Chandler Smith: Brotherhood, Heart, Attitude, Warrior PH160
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
“I think if I just limited myself to being an athlete I’d be doing a disservice to the other demographics that I represent. I’m a wrestler. I’m a former West Pointer. I’m an Army officer. All these different intersectionalities that are composed within me, and everyone has their own group of intersectionalities that they represent. That’s how you - if you want to create understanding about something that you do that’s outside of the gym - the CrossFit box is a great space for it, because again, of what you said. It’s not a responsibility, but it’s an opportunity that I think should be recognized and capitalized upon.”
- Chandler Smith
In 2012, Chandler Smith set a goal to qualify for the CrossFit Games by 2022. In 2019, he smashed that goal when he placed 15th at his rookie CrossFit Games appearance, and now he's set his sights on climbing up the leaderboard.
The path to becoming an elite CrossFit athlete hasn't always been straight-forward. As a child, Chandler had aspirations of following in his father's footsteps and playing for the NFL. But as a smaller athlete, in high school he decided to focus on wrestling, a sport better suited for his stature.
A lifelong interest in the Army led Chandler to attend West Point, where he would continue to compete as a wrestler and received the Warrior Athlete of Excellence Award in recognition of his mental toughness, coachability, perseverance, and athletic skill.
Following graduation, Chandler was commissioned as an officer and began work as a tank platoon leader. He had previously used CrossFit to help him train for wrestling, but now it became the primary focus for his athletic drive. In 2016, he made a splash onto the competitive scene when he qualified for the Atlantic Regional after finishing 7th in his region during his first complete CrossFit Open.
In 2017, an injury resulting in the loss of part of his ring finger cut his Open season short, and in 2018, a deployment to Bulgaria meant work took priority over training. When he returned to the States, Chandler resumed training with a single-minded focus, and a stellar performance at the 2019 Rogue Invitational earned him a ticket to the Games.
Today Chandler is a Captain in the United States Army as well as the officer in charge of the U.S. Army Warrior Fitness Team. In the lead up to the 2020 CrossFit Games, he's been training with athletes from all over the east coast in an effort to get out of his comfort zone and be as prepared as possible for whatever challenges lay in store.
When Chandler and I recently caught up, I was excited to hear what his 2020 training season has looked like, how his experiences in the Army have helped him grow as a competitor, and to hear his ideas on how CrossFit can improve it's diversity, equity, and inclusion.
In this episode we discuss:
- What Chandler’s training has looked like leading into the 2020 CrossFit Games
- His background and childhood, and how his parents and the Army have influenced him
- Factors that influenced Chandler to attend West Point
- How Chandler got into CrossFit
- The power of writing down your goals
- How Chandler’s success at the 2016 Regionals changed his approach to training
- His experience at the 2019 CrossFit Games
- Chandler’s role with the U.S. Army Warrior Fitness Team
- How COVID has impacted his 2020
- Chandler’s decision to sit out the 2020 CrossFit Games following Greg Glassman’s comments
- His experience at the CrossFit Community Summit and first interactions with Eric Roza
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within CrossFit
- Chandler's experience with being in the racial minority of CrossFit athletes
- The importance of being a good role model
- His former political aspirations
- #BHAW: Brotherhood, Heart, Attitude, Warrior
- Three things Chandler does on a regular basis that have the biggest positive impact on his health
- One thing he thinks could have a big impact on his health, but he has a hard time implementing
- What a healthy life looks like to Chandler
You can follow Chandler on Instagram and Facebook.
- Training Think Tank
- Chandler Smith Loses Tip of Ring Finger Over Weekend
- FanBoy Among Top Dogs
- CrossFit Games Regionals 2012 - Spencer Hendel Snatch Ladder
Related episodes:
Ep 157 - Work Hard, Be Kind with Cole Sager
Ep 147 - Cancer, Racism, and Speaking Up with Deb Cordner Carson
Ep 130 - Kristi Eramo O'Connell on Training for Joy and Balance
Ep 52b - Tia-Clair Toomey on Realizing Her CrossFit and Olympic Dreams and Finding Confidence
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating. I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below and on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every other Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.
This post was originally published on September 7, 2020.