Julie Foucher MD, MS is a four-time CrossFit Games athlete and family physician. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between fitness and medicine to empower individuals to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Every third Tuesday, she shares insightful content from a diverse lineup of guests, including medical experts and elite athletes.

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Digital Wellness with Nina Hersher PH231
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Nina Hersher is CEO of The Digital Wellness Institute and co-founder of the Digital Wellness Collective, a global trade association of digital wellness experts and organizations collaborating to enhance human relationships through the intentional use and development of technology.
She holds a specialized Masters of Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis in Norms of Connectivity and Reconceptualizing Human Development in the 21st Century, and holds additional credentials as an Oasis in the Overwhelm facilitator, Teen Outreach Program facilitator, and meditation teacher.
She is passionate about sharing best practices for consuming and integrating technology into our lives in a way that protects our mental health in a fast-paced world.
In this episode, Nina shares best practices for digital flourishing, including ways to set up your environment to minimize distractions, tools you can use to protect your physical health, and her tips for setting boundaries around social media.
You can connect with Nina via Instagram @digitalwellbeing. You can learn more about her work at DigitalWellnessInsitute.com, and you can assess your own digital flourishing habits here.
Loftie alarm clock
Related Episodes:
Ep 17 - Juliet and Kelly Starrett on standing desks and movement for kids
Ep 139 - Stress: The Elephant in the Room with Dr. George Slavich
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Thursday Nov 18, 2021
CrossFit Health Tip - What is chronic inflammation? with Mike Mallin, MD PH230
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Chronic inflammation: It's a term we hear all the time, but just what is it, and what causes it? Check out these tips from Mike Mallin, MD, to figure out whether you're experiencing chronic inflammation.
And if you are, here are some tactics you can use to address it:
- Make sure you're getting recovery and not over-exercising.
-Focus on improving sleep quality and quantity.
-Consume a healthy diet consisting of a variety of whole, well-sourced foods.
To learn more about CrossFit Health and how to get involved as a healthcare provider or patient visit health.crossfit.com.
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Using Genomics to Improve Health + Performance PH229
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Tuesday Nov 16, 2021
Healthcare practitioners discuss the applications of using genomics to improve health and performance. Panelists Dr. Matt Dawson and Dr. Mike Mallin provide background on the science behind genomics and precision care, describe how this cutting-edge form of medicine can inform lifestyle choices, and explain why genomics is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to optimizing health.
The panel was part of a series of conversations hosted by CrossFit Health at the 2021 CrossFit Games.
You can connect with the featured panelists via Instagram:
Julie Foucher, MD - Family Physician @juliefoucher
Matt Dawson, MD - CrossFit Precision Care @wildhealthmd
Mike Mallin, MD - CrossFit Precision Care @mikemallin
Related Episodes:
Ep 172 - Optimal Health through Genomics Based Personalized Medicine
Ep 217 - Revolutionizing Healthcare: CrossFit Precision Care
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. I recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns.

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
CrossFit Health Tip - What is precision medicine? with Mike Mallin, MD PH228
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
What is precision medicine? In short, it's a data-driven approach to healthcare that recognizes we're all unique and a one-size-fits-all approach to care doesn't work for everyone.
Mike Mallin, MD, explains how precision medicine providers take your genetics, epigenetics, biomarkers, and unique risk factors into account as they develop a comprehensive plan designed to help you achieve your overall health goals.
To learn more about CrossFit Precision Care and how to get involved as a healthcare provider or patient, visit care.crossfit.com.
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Gut Health + the Microbiome with Dr. Lucy Mailing PH227
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Lucy Mailing is a microbiome researcher, educator, and passionate scholar of integrative, evidence-based gut health.
She received her Bachelor’s in Biology from Kalamazoo College and her PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Illinois. Lucy has authored several peer-reviewed journal articles related to the microbiome and health and was named an Emerging Leader in Nutritional Sciences by the American Society for Nutrition in 2017.
On her website, lucymailing.com, Lucy shares content dedicated to integrative, evidence-based articles about the microbiome, gut and skin health, and nutrition science. She is a nationally recognized speaker on gut health and one of the most trusted experts in the integrative health space.
I have been following Lucy’s research for years, and I was excited to sit down with her to discuss how the microbiome impacts virtually every aspect of our health. We talk about factors that impact the gut lining, methods we can use to screen for intestinal permeability and gut dysbiosis, and actions we can take to support our microbiome.
You can connect with Dr. Mailing via Instagram @lucymailingphd
Related Episodes:
Ep 44 - 5 Tips for New Year Nutrition and The HealthySelf Reset with BeingBrigid
Ep 189 - Chris Kresser on HPA Axis Dysfunction and the Stress Response
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Thursday Nov 04, 2021
CrossFit Health Tip - Avoiding Injury with Amy West, MD PH226
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
"The idea that CrossFit is dangerous is actually not supported in the scientific literature," says Amy West, MD. Her number-one tip for avoiding injury: "Check your ego at the door." Other suggested strategies include seeking out supervision to make sure you're moving properly, knowing your own limits, and paying attention to recovery.
To learn more about CrossFit Health and how to get involved as a healthcare provider or patient, visit health.crossfit.com.
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
CrossFit + Cancer PH225
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Healthcare practitioners, cancer advocates and a cancer survivor discuss the applications of CrossFit for individuals diagnosed with cancer. They share their personal connection to cancer, the impact of exercise on cancer prevention and treatment, and ideas on how we can build a bridge between fitness providers and healthcare to better support cancer survivors. The panel was part of a series of conversations hosted by CrossFit Health at the 2021 CrossFit Games.
You can connect with the featured panelists via Instagram:
Julie Foucher, MD - Family Physician @juliefoucher
Fran Whitfeld - Trainer with Stage IV Breast Cancer @franwhitfield
Allison Betof Warner, MD - Exercise Oncologist @jockmeetsnerd
Zionna Hanson - Barbells for Boobs Founder @zionna
Scott Britton - Battle Cancer Founder @battle.cancer
Related Episodes:
Ep 209 - Taking the Fear Out of Cancer: Fran Whitfield
Ep 203 - Using CrossFit to Battle Cancer with Scott Britton
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
CrossFit Health Tip - What is HRV with Mike Mallin, MD PH224
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Wearable devices can measure the variability between the beats of your heart and can indicate how relaxed you are-- "an objective measure of how chill you are," says Mike Mallin, MD. The more variability the better.
Dr. Mallin and I discuss our top 5 tips to increase heart rate variability.
- Sleep- a regular bedtime & at least an 8-hour sleep opportunity every night
- Exercise- a consistent amount over time, and be sure to allow time for adequate recovery
- Avoid alcohol- more than one drink can cause HRV to plummet
- Meditation & mindfulness
- Breathwork- give this nasal breathing technique a try: a quick, 3-4 second inhale, followed by a slow 8-second exhale
To learn more about CrossFit Health and how to get involved as a healthcare provider or patient, visit health.crossfit.com.
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tapping to Reduce Stress with Nick Ortner PH223
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Nick Ortner is the creator and executive producer of the documentary film, The Tapping Solution, as well the author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Tapping Solution: A revolutionary system for stress-free living. Tapping is also sometimes referred to as Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. Nick began sharing this stress and anxiety-relieving method with others in 2007 after experiencing tremendous success using the protocol for his own personal pain relief. He has gone on to become a highly regarded public speaker, presenting live tapping sessions at seminars, hosting an annual world summit, and appearing in numerous well known media outlets, such as CNN, Psychology Today, and The Dr. Oz Show.
In this conversation, we discuss what tapping is and why it can change emotions by calming the amygdala, circumstances in which tapping can be helpful, and the data being collected to objectively demonstrate tapping’s effectiveness. As a bonus, Nick leads us through an interactive tapping session focused on relieving stress and anxiety.
You can connect with Nick via Instagram @NickOrtner
Research on Emotional Freedom Technique:
Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Improves Multiple Physiological Markers of Health
Related Episodes:
Ep 139 - Stress: The Elephant in the Room with Dr. George Slavich
Ep 215 - Mentally Fit: Tarryn Harvey
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns

Thursday Oct 21, 2021
CrossFit Health Tip - The State of Primary Care with Eric Roza PH222
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
What is primary care?
In theory, it’s a long-term relationship between a healthcare practitioner and a patient encompassing preventative health practices, acute illness, and chronic disease.
In practice, the insurance system has created an environment where physicians are incentivized to see more patients in less time, and the doctor-patient relationship is suffering because of it.
Julie talks with CrossFit CEO Eric Roza about the current state of primary care and why the direct primary care model gives hope for the future.
To learn more about CrossFit Health and how to get involved as a healthcare provider or patient, visit health.crossfit.com.
If you like this episode, please subscribe to Pursuing Health on iTunes and give it a rating or share your feedback on social media using the hashtag #PursuingHealth. I look forward to bringing you future episodes with inspiring individuals and ideas about health every Tuesday.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information only, and does not provide medical advice. We recommend that you seek assistance from your personal physician for any health conditions or concerns